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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-06-14 11 riflessioni sul mangiare e psicologia del piacere 13:21
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2012

2012-06-14 Guided Meditation: Elemental Awareness 30:28
Julie Wester
Resting in the body as a field of changing energy. Inquiring into an area of strong sensation in the body. Touching into the Nature of Life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in the Body: Meditation with Qigong

2012-06-14 First Morning Instructions - Mindfulness Of Breathing 65:03
Gina Sharpe
Using breath as our meditation object to gather energy of mind
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center People of Color Retreat

2012-06-14 Got Freedom 41:45
Vinny Ferraro
This was an off-site Gaia House retreat held at Seale-Hayne, Devon
Gaia House Training the Mind, Freeing the Heart

2012-06-13 Committing to Joy 69:04
Tara Brach
What makes joy rare? How do we awaken this beautiful capacity to embrace life? In this talk we explore the obstacles to joy and the attitude and practices that free us to "love what is."
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-06-13 The Intimacy of the Present Moment 48:04
Julie Wester
Coming home to the intimacy of the present moment, Elemental Awareness. Experiencing ourselves as part of the flow of life-made of the same elemental energies.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in the Body: Meditation with Qigong

2012-06-13 Investigating the Dhamma 61:07
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom

2012-06-13 The Joy of Integrity 56:35
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-06-13 Five Controlling Faculties 57:56
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Five Controlling Faculties And Balancing Them
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-06-13 09 riflessioni sulla felicitа 0:00
Bhante Bodhidhamma
(Recording not available) 
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2012

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