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gift of the teachings
Bhante Bodhidhamma's Dharma Talks
Bhante Bodhidhamma
​Bhante Bodhidhamma, as lay person practiced at Throssel Hole Zen Priory in north England, later with Sayadaw U Janaka in Burma and at various places with Sayadaw U Pandita.​ ​He ​ ordained in ​1986 and spent 8 years in Sri Lanka, returning to UK in 1998. He was the resident teacher at Gaia House, UK, 2001-2004. In 2007, he founded Satipanya Buddhist Retreat on the borders of Wales., devoted to vipassana in the tradition of the Mahasi Sayadaw. ​
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2024-05-18 Guided metta practice 43:05
London Insight Meditation Bhante Bodhidhamma – “Vipassana Insight Meditation as Practiced in the Mahasi Tradition”
2024-05-18 Mindful eating vs investigative eating 4:19
London Insight Meditation Bhante Bodhidhamma – “Vipassana Insight Meditation as Practiced in the Mahasi Tradition”
2024-05-18 Right Awareness 34:31
London Insight Meditation Bhante Bodhidhamma – “Vipassana Insight Meditation as Practiced in the Mahasi Tradition”
2024-05-18 Guided standing and sitting meditation 53:38
London Insight Meditation Bhante Bodhidhamma – “Vipassana Insight Meditation as Practiced in the Mahasi Tradition”
2024-05-04 Dharma Talk 43:28
What is ‘right awareness’ ? What takes us away from it ? What is it we are investigating ?
Gaia House Insight Meditation Retreat (Mahasi)
2022-07-18 Social Conditioning or Karma 13:53
Our social conditioning is a given, but even so we have to take responsibility for it and cleanse it any unwholesomeness.
Satipanya Retreat Centre
2022-07-18 Need Sufficiency and Greed 18:01
With coming downturn in the economy around the world, fear and anxiety are boud to arise. We are attached to what we own and to oiur lifestyle. By contemplateing what we actually need at physical level and then to consider what we need at a social and personal, emotional level, a lot of the fear and anxiety can be undermined. Contemplating the Four Requisites of a monastic help to ground us.
Satipanya Retreat Centre
2022-05-26 The Buddha and War. 23:19
The Buddha was involved in disputes and war in various ways. He gave the principles by which we shojld behave, but would not make decisions for us.
Satipanya Retreat Centre
2022-05-10 Dependent Origination Revisited 44:26
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre
2022-05-01 Karma- Specific, Conditionality the Five Laws, ethical behaviour, social karma-Neoliberalism 53:24
date estimated - Forgot to say towards the end of this talk that since Neoliberalism is powered by greed, it is by nature insatiable. The investment in wealth and power will make it very difficult to change to a more socially based capitalism.
Satipanya Retreat Centre

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