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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-06-09 The Nature Of Insight 59:46
Greg Scharf
This talk examines the unfolding of insight and suggests a couple of ways to bring life to practice and practice to life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Part 2 – Liberation of Mind and Heart: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-06-09 A Yogi's Job 51:24
Steve Armstrong
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Awareness and Dhamma Wisdom

2012-06-09 Benefits Of Mindfulness Meditation Meditation 61:25
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Happiness arising due to virtue, concentration, insight knowledge, purification of view, arising due to mindfulness meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-06-09 05 la pratica di Metta 29:02
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2012

2012-06-09 04 brevi istruzioni sul mangiare e att. quotidiane 11:59
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2012

2012-06-09 03 Metta Guidata 17:39
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2012

2012-06-09 Tuning your Instrument: The Buddha, the Brain, & Bach, part D with Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin 58:19
Sylvia Boorstein
Clifford Saron - Samatha Project conclusion, Barbara Bogatin - Bach's Arioso Cantata and interpretation Sylvia Boorstein discussion
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, The Brain, & Bach with Sylvia Boorstein, Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin

2012-06-09 Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, the Brain, & Bach, part C with Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin 1:51:17
Sylvia Boorstein
Sylvia Boorstein leads meditation, discussion Barbara Bogatin talk 2: Interpreting Bach, Courante from Suite 1 Slifford Saron Talk 2: The Shamatha Project ude from Bach Solo Cello Suite # 1, Barbara Bogatin Talk 1: Practice as Balance Mindfulness Sarabande from Cello Suite #1
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, The Brain, & Bach with Sylvia Boorstein, Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin

2012-06-09 Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, the Brain, & Bach, part B with Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin 1:20:20
Sylvia Boorstein
Clifford Saron Talk 1: Holding the Space of the Brain
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, The Brain, & Bach with Sylvia Boorstein, Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin

2012-06-09 Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, the Brain, & Bach, part A with Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin 1:30:08
Sylvia Boorstein
Sylvia Boorstein's Introduction, Prelude from Bach Solo Cello Suite #1, Barbara Bogatin talk 1: Practice as Balanced Mindfulness, Sarabande from Cello Suite #1
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, The Brain, & Bach with Sylvia Boorstein, Clifford Saron & Barbara Bogatin

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