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Dharma Talks
2023-06-24 Talk on Meditation + Instructions part 1 11:56
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni
Ven. Dhammananda Bhikkhuni at Songdhammakalyani Monastery
Songdhammakalyani Monastery

2023-06-24 Q&A 47:27
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions précised – 00:09 Q1 What is energy? 23:02 Q2 I get involuntary shaking sometimes in meditation. If I focus on the skin it helps to dissolve this. What is this please? 28:31 Q3 Tuning into my body I find tension from unreleased aggression and images that are not always pleasant. What do you suggest? 32:44 Q 4 Sometimes I experience dropping out of identification into an open clear spacious presence. It mostly lasts only half a second and then I get pulled back into self-identification. How can I make it longer or more permanent? 34:58 Q5 Don’t meditation and attentive awareness stimulate and arouse? Don’t they sometimes arouse supportive activation of the heart and spirit? I find sometimes this is a bit of a strain or tiring because I feel in the grip of it. 36:55 Q6 What nourishes the daily practice on your own? Regarding daily offerings, what are some examples of that? 43:07 Q7 Can you speak about the value of renunciation? 44:47 Q8 What should one do with one’s talents? Excelling involves competition for leader ship roles and in that the moral compass gets bent.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-24 Morning Instructions and Sitting (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:21
Carol Cano
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness For Everyone

2023-06-24 Opening to the liberating view 55:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Becoming familiar with direct experience, we can put aside the need for reaction and immediate action, allowing us to cultivate the liberating view.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-24 Chanting the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta 16:59
Ayya Santacitta, Ayya Santussika
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Skillful Living in a World on Fire: Grounded in the Noble Eightfold Path

2023-06-23 Teachings, Mettā Meditation 46:00
Leigh Brasington
Gaia House Jhanas, Insight, and Dependent Origination

2023-06-23 Suffusing Loving Kindness Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:39
Diana Winston
In this meditation, we review other ways of practicing loving kindness to get access to a feeling of kindness and then practice sending kindness out in all directions. We connect with the radiant, vast, boundless aspects of loving kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness For Everyone

2023-06-23 Intro & Simile of the Mountain 20:50
Ayya Santussika, Ayya Santacitta
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Skillful Living in a World on Fire: Grounded in the Noble Eightfold Path

2023-06-23 Afternoon Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:23
Carol Cano
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness For Everyone

2023-06-23 Q&A 47:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions précised – 00:06 Q1 What’s the importance of the lotus posture for practice? As a beginner I can’t sit like that but also I don’t feel good using a chair 05:34 Q2 Is awakening possible for a lay practitioner of mindfulness meditation such as I practice, or is this just a lost cause? 19:57 Q3 I have been doing sitting meditation almost daily for almost 30 years. There are good days when my attention is stable and I feel unified. But more frequently my experience becomes stagnant and I don’t know where to turn my attention and I feel bored, inadequate. 27:47 Q4 It’s so limiting to identify with a self. Why, when we have perfection in us is it so difficulty to see the truth? 38:42 Q5 Sometimes I see light around people or objects and sometimes things seem transparent with light. Can you say something about this? 39:38 Q6 I’m concerned about my daughter with obsessive compulsive disorder. What can you recommend? 42:15 Q7 Is it possible to overdue investigation? Sometimes it feels that investigating frozen states seems more like prodding rather than compassion. 43:18 Q8 How can I feel connected to people who don’t share the same values and vision of life? I feel lonely and angry when I’m with them.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

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