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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-09-12 What Is Mindfulness? 57:42
Sally Armstrong
Mindfulness is becoming more mainstream, but if we are to truly practice it, we need to understand what right mindfulness as a path factor is.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2011-09-11 Keys To A Long Retreat 58:33
Guy Armstrong
When starting a long retreat, we should establish a proper attitude to our practice and also appreciate the purpose of renunciation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2011-09-11 Mindfulness - The Path To Release 56:55
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2011-09-11 Wise Speech in Groups, Part 2: Becoming More Skillful in Challenging Group Situations 3:22:40
Donald Rothberg
We begin with a review of what was covered in Part I (July 10, 2011), covering the importance of speech practice, the basics of Wise (or “Right”) Speech practice, what this practice looks like in the context of small groups, and the basics of how to approach speech practice in challenging situations. We then bring in new materials, using short presentations and exercises, that expand our capacities to respond skillfully in challenging situations. We first examine how to direct mindful attention to emotions and underlying interests or values both in ourselves and in others (using some of the models from Nonviolent Communication and the Harvard Negotiation Project on "Difficult Conversations"). We also bring attention to our stories and narratives, using the model of the "Ladder of Inference" to help clarify how we often go very quickly to stories (particularly self-centered ones, often way beyond the "data") in challenging situations. We then develop further our capacities to use these tools and perspectives in situations in which we are triggered, and to respond more skillfully.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-09-11 Talk Five - The Heart Free of Clinging: Four Expressions of Love 1:21:01
Martin Aylward
The series of 5 talks from this retreat explore a central feature of Dharma practice and teachings: How we get uptight and reactive (Upadana / Clinging) around our experience, and the transformational possibility of letting go. The talks cover the Buddhas teachings on the 3 main realms of experience that we cling most tightly to, as well as exploring and pointing towards the nature of the heart that is free from clinging. This fifth and closing talk looks at the affective quality of our experience in the heart. This explores the subjective experience of clinging as greed, hatred and delusion, and Martin points out how as the heart clarifies, it naturally rests into the expanded states of different forms of love.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Freedom From Clinging

2011-09-10 Attitude/Perspective 1:14:16
Sayadaw U Jagara
How to change and enhance the quality of our mind with samadhi. How this will give us different views and angles to see life. How as a result, our attitude to life may change.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July through October 2011 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2011-09-10 Talk Four - To Be Or Not To Be : Is There a Self or Isn't There? 41:40
Martin Aylward
The series of 5 talks from this retreat explore a central feature of Dharma practice and teachings: How we get uptight and reactive (Upadana / Clinging) around our experience, and the transformational possibility of letting go. The talks cover the Buddhas teachings on the 3 main realms of experience that we cling most tightly to, as well as exploring and pointing towards the nature of the heart that is free from clinging. Starting with the existential, progressing towards the personal, this fourth talk explores the Buddhas teachings on the third realm of clinging - to existence and non-existence. Martin explores what we identify with - as well as what we dont, and our limited capacity to only conceive in terms of is or isnt, exists or doesnt, while pointing to a way of meeting life that isnt constrained by this reductive dichotomy.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Freedom From Clinging

2011-09-10 Guided Meditation - Directing Attention To Arising 48:07
Ajahn Sucitto
Begins with guidance to establish a relaxed, steady, upright posture, wishing well throughout the body. When a balance of energy comes, begin turning the mind around. Get back to where the thoughts and memories are coming from. Direct yourself to the place of arising, before it takes form. The sense of formlessness and openness can then be experienced.
Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2011-09-10 Meeting The World 41:21
Ajahn Sucitto
Practice meeting your reality directly, just being with what arises without getting involved. The spiritual faculties come alive and support you. When there’s nothing you can’t meet, what else do you need? Through this cultivation, you have a calming, cooling refuge place in your life.
Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2011-09-09 Talk Three - Beyond Belief 48:20
Martin Aylward
The series of 5 talks from this retreat explore a central feature of Dharma practice and teachings: How we get uptight and reactive (Upadana / Clinging) around our experience, and the transformational possibility of letting go. The talks cover the Buddhas teachings on the 3 main realms of experience that we cling most tightly to, as well as exploring and pointing towards the nature of the heart that is free from clinging. This third talk explores how our ideas, beliefs and opinions obscure our true knowing of reality. Martin progresses through our views about life itself, unconsciously conditioned by both scientific and religious cultural myths, our views about and in relation to others, and our painful, evaluating views of ourselves. The encouragement is to examine our beliefs so as to make them transparent, to see life clearly, to recognize its freely unfolding process that cannot be defined by mere idea or view.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Freedom From Clinging

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