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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-02-11 Guided Metta (1) 43:17
Greg Scharf
Mountain Hermitage Fella and Scharf

2012-02-11 Mindfulness 53:12
Andrea Fella
Mountain Hermitage Fella and Scharf

2012-02-10 Developing and Maturing Practice 54:04
Simon Child
Gaia House Chan Koan Retreat

2012-02-10 Opening Talk 1:17:09
Andrea Fella
Mountain Hermitage Fella and Scharf

2012-02-09 Wisdom Wide and Deep 57:57
Shaila Catherine
Shaila shares her process of discovering and practicing the deep concentration states of jhana, and detailed vipassana practices as taught by Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw of Burma. She speaks about the cultivation of concentration and insight, and the systematic path that leads the mind from distraction to clarity, understanding, and nibbana. At the request of Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw, she wrote a book to serve as a practice guide for other practitioners: Wisdom Wide and Deep: A Practical Handbook for Mastering Jhana and Vipassana
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-02-09 Emptiness 55:39
Simon Child
Gaia House Chan Koan Retreat

2012-02-09 Prostration Instructions 16:09
Simon Child
Gaia House Chan Koan Retreat

2012-02-08 The Hand that Sees 48:45
Matthew Daniell
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2012-02-08 Questions, Guided Meditation and Group Sharing - Led by Tara 1:16:48
Tara Brach
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-02-08 This Precious Opportunity 63:24
James Baraz
Suffering can lead to contraction and more suffering or can be a catalyst for awakening. Just why and how some people have the good karma to hear the Dharma and practice is a mysterious blessing and precious opportunity. This talk explores the different temperaments that fuel practice, known as the Four Iddhipadas.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long

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