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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-01-27 Psychotherapy and Meditation 1:47:01
Mark Epstein
This evening’s talk will address the overlap between psychotherapy and meditation, from the perspective of a Western psychiatrist whose introduction to the study of the mind came through Buddhist meditation. Discussion will center on how primal emotions like aggression and desire are handled. While it is often assumed that Buddhism counsels suppression or eradication of such energies, Mark Epstein will propose another model. Drawn from his studies of both D.W. Winnicott and the Buddha, this evening’s presentation will use the Buddha’s own inner struggle as a model for our own. Meditation instruction will be offered. Mark Epstein is a Harvard trained psychiatrist with a private practice in New York City. A longtime student of Joseph Golstein and Jack Kornfield, he is the author of a number of works about the overlap of Buddhism and psychotherapy, including Thoughts without a Thinker, Going to Pieces without Falling Apart, and Psychotherapy without the Self.
New York Insight Meditation Center NYI Regular Talks

2012-01-26 The Sacred Feminine 56:57
Spring Washam
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Way of the Sacred Feminine

2012-01-26 Amazing Grace 48:48
James Baraz
Suffering is an integral part of life—the First Noble Truth. How is it possible that some people go through suffering and even trauma and, instead of becoming bitter or damaged, use it as a catalyst for deep compassion and awakening? Most people don’t realize they have the choice to work skillfully with regard to the challenges life gives them. This is one of the greatest blessings of practice. Consciously appreciating this blessing brings a deeper connection to practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2012-01-25 Part 1: Three Blessings on the Journey 1:24:06
Tara Brach
Drawing on a wonderful teaching story from the Upanishads, these two talks explore the role of forgiveness, inner fire and looking at our own minds, in finding freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-01-25 Understanding Intention 55:58
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-01-25 Deepening Daily Life Practice, I 67:38
Donald Rothberg
We explore how our practice can come alive in the flow of daily life, focusing on some of the challenges as well as three areas: (1) Various supports for daily life practice, (2) the centrality of mindfulness of the body, and (3) taking difficulties and even suffering as opportunities for practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-01-24 Buddhist Perspectives on Right View 3:23:09
Shaila Catherine
Right view appears as the first step of training in the Noble Eight-Fold Path. It leads to an integrated understanding of the liberating teachings of the Buddha and the successful development of meditation and wisdom. Right view is essential to understanding the causes and the end of suffering. Without right view awakening is impossible, and wrong view is considered the insidious obstacle to all progress. In this six-week series Shaila explores right view from several perspectives found in the discourses of the Buddha. Related themes of wise attention, concepts of liberation, truthfulness, false beliefs, attachment to opinions, kamma, cause and effect, learning and peaceful engagement in discussion will bring this traditional theme to life in our contemporary practice.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2012-01-24 What is Right View 41:01
Shaila Catherine
Right view is an approach to life that leads to awakening, to enlightenment. As mindfulness becomes mainstreamed in western culture, serious practitioners should take care that the framework of virtue, the integrated eight-fold path, and the liberating potential of meditation practice are not lost. Both mundane and supramundane right view are examined in this talk. Ultimately, right view implies a direct realization of the four noble truths and of the model of dependent arising.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks
In collection: Buddhist Perspectives on Right View

2012-01-24 Dana, Sila and Bhavana 41:00
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2012-01-24 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Week 2 1:27:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

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