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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-01-13 Seven Factors of Enlightenment Part 2 60:32
Michele McDonald
The Joy of Pure Exploration
Vipassana Hawai'i (Kyaswa Monastery) 2012 Kyaswa Monastery, Burma

2012-01-13 Keep Coming Back 58:00
Kevin Griffin
The power of intention in sustaining your practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-01-13 Daily Life Practice 31:14
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta

2012-01-12 The Honeyball Sutta: The Source of Our Confusion and the Way Out 57:10
James Baraz
In this discourse the Buddha explains how we get lost in our stories through papanca or proliferation of thought. The talk focuses on how papanca works in our lives and how we can work with it to free ourselves of confusion.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-01-12 Seven Factors of Enlightenment Part 1 56:19
Michele McDonald
Vipassana Hawai'i (Kyaswa Monastery) 2012 Kyaswa Monastery, Burma

2012-01-11 Gratitude Meditation 30:40
Larry Yang
A guided meditation on gratitude
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta

2012-01-11 Part 1: Trusting Your Basic Goodness 1:24:04
Tara Brach
Einstein says the most important question we will ever ask ourselves is, "Is this universe a friendly place?" Do we trust that there is something essentially benevolent or good about this universe? That we are essentially good? These two talks explore what it means to trust basic goodness, and how this trust naturally emerges through cultivating a meditative presence. (also in video - show tracks)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2012-01-11 Four Aspects of Practice 56:29
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-01-11 Holding Your Life in Kindness 58:51
Larry Yang
The practice of joy and gratitude
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta

2012-01-11 Fear and Lovingkindness 55:15
Donald Rothberg
We explore the nature of fear and how metta is a powerful resource to work with and transform fear.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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