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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-10-15 Morning sit with instruction (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:27
Eugene Cash
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-14 Citta und der Umgang mit Emotionen 60:13
Yuka Nakamura
Unser Herzgeist - Citta - und seine Zustände sind der Bereich des dritten Satipatthana. Wir üben uns darin, achtsam auf die ganze Welt der Emotionen, Stimmungen, Impulse, Gedanken zu sein. Wie gelingt dies, ohne sich in Emotionen zu verlieren und ohne sie zu verdrängen? Durch diese Praxis gelangen wir zur Einsicht, dass alle diese psychischen Zustände vergänglich und unpersönlich sind.

2023-10-14 Awakening & Letting Go 56:05
Eugene Cash
What is to Awake? What is it to Awaken? Different forms and levels of awakening. How awakening begins in each moment. The relationship of love & awareness to awakening in Buddhist teachings and suttas.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-14 Upekkha - Abiding in Equanimity 37:17
Devon Hase
Teaching and guided meditation on the practice of equanimity. From Ruth King: ”Equanimity can feel internally like a great mountain, with the mind solid and stable, undisturbed by the changing seasons. Or it can be like the ocean, with the mind vast, deep, and immeasurable, undisturbed by whatever swims, floats, or is housed in its waters. Equanimity can be like a strong fire — roaring, engulfing, and transmuting, undisturbed by whatever is thrown into it. Or like immense space — open, allowing, and receiving, undisturbed by the objects that arise and pass away”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-14 The Co-arising of Insight and Mettā 54:58
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House Liberating Ways of Looking

2023-10-14 Reflections: "Not-Self" as Liberating Perception and the Lessening of Sense of Self. Guided Meditation: "Not Me, Not Mine, Not I" 46:41
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House Liberating Ways of Looking

2023-10-14 Open Awareness Meditation 54:22
Devon Hase
A review of Satipatthana meditation, and a guided meditation working through the objects of mindfulness (body, breath, sounds, vedana, and citta), culminating in Open Awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-13 Emptiness and Love 53:27
Devon Hase
A talk about how the path of wisdom practice leads to insights into emptiness, which then lead to natural compassion and love. Starring Rohitassa, Bahiya, Ananda, and of course our beloved Buddha: "Spiritual Friendship is the Whole of the Holy Life."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023

2023-10-13 Introduction to Awareness Practice - Day 1 - Meditation 25:26
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Retreat

2023-10-13 Introduction to Awareness Practice - Day 1 - Talk 34:19
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Retreat

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