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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2016-06-09 Mindfulness of feelings and intentions 60:55
Bhante Khippapanno
Right attitude in noting painful sensations. How to note the intentions in daily activities and changing postures
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2016-05-26 Equanimity, Our Greatest Friend 39:23
Shaila Catherine
Shaila Catherine gave the seventh talk in a eight-week series titled "Seven Factors of Awakening." This talk explores how the stability and the balance provided by equanimity can make our mind our friend, something that we can trust. When equanimity is strong, if there is pain we won't tend to react with aversion; if there is pleasure, we won't tend to react with grasping and clinging. The mind will be balanced, present, and aware of experience as it unfolds.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Seven Factors of Awakening

2016-05-17 Meeting dukkha with primary empathy 48:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Resolving dukkha comes through revealing its pain, while having the means to do so. These means are samadhi and primary empathy-these take us beyond the trap of conceiving ourselves.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Rewilding The Mind

2016-05-09 Q & A 41:25
Ajahn Sucitto
Pain, drowsiness, ethical integrity (in a non-ethical world), nature as a model for humans.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Rewilding The Mind

2016-04-28 Evening Q&A 51:12
Ajahn Sucitto
Samsara; The Realms; Broken Heart/Deep Grief; How to Be with Heavy Stuff; Painful Feelings; Identification with the Body; Precepts; Abuse; Sound of Silence; Equanimity
Padmasambhava Peace Institute :  Body, Heart and Mind: Embodying Citta

2016-04-24 Evening Dhamma Talk: Releasing the Qualities of the Boundless Heart through Embodiment 56:54
Ajahn Sucitto
The great heart's natural response to pain and suffering is compassion and equanimity, released by directly handling experience through embodiment. Without the natural ground of embodiment there is a tendency towards differentiation and forming abstractions about self and other that create separation.
Padmasambhava Peace Institute :  Body, Heart and Mind: Embodying Citta

2016-04-12 Thus Have I Heard 5:01:05
with Andrea Fella, Diana Clark, Kim Allen, Nona Olivia, Sean Oakes, Shaila Catherine, Tony Bernhard
The Pali Canon includes over 5,000 discourses that document conversations and encounters that occurred during forty years of the Buddha's ministry. Over the centuries, certain teachings have risen to the surface with popularity and come to characterize our impression of what the Buddha taught. However, the vast collection of source material reaches beyond these well known teachings. For this speaker series, IMSB has invited teachers to focus on teachings that have been largely neglected by contemporary Buddhist groups. Each talk will share a lesser-known teaching, event, or instruction that will enrich our comprehension of what the Buddha taught. We will discover whether broadening our source material reinforces the dominant view of Buddhist practice or paints a different picture of meditation and the path of liberation.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2016-03-30 Embodied Awareness – Pain and Living Fully – Part 3 1:13:26
Tara Brach
The experiences we most value – feeling creative, loving, vital – require being awake in our bodies. Yet when faced with physical pain, our conditioning is to pull away from our bodies, and get lost in thoughts. This talk offers guidance in working mindfully with different levels of pain, as we cultivate our capacity to live from an embodied presence and open heart. After the talk, Tara offers a short period of question and response on embodiment.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2016-03-15 Untangling the Afflicted Mind 39:58
Ajahn Sucitto
The Brahma Viharas Intentionality Refreshing mind and body Not being fixated on suffering Attention amplifies Energetic shift out of patterning Opening to pain is already goodwill Harmlessness
Dharmagiri Healing the Cracks: Generosity and Interdependence

2016-03-12 Boundless compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity 61:42
Gregory Kramer
Receiving with compassion what is difficult / receiving joy / experiencing mutual equanimity. Guided meditation on the boundless with Open for the first 14:15 minutes. " there is an aspect of Open that is establishing the field of awareness that is the atmosophere in which Metta arises." Four part contemplation, first two separate speaker, last one the entire group 1. "Observe the opening of awareness to every cell of the vody, naming what it is like. This awareness is inclusive and spacious." Contemplate something in your life that is difficult, feeling your heart vibrating with the pain". " Be present to the pain waith compassion for this being, the compassionate response". "Listener, how was it like to receive this?" 2. Now the gift of our practice is to touch joy, something positive, wholesome, uplifting. Let it infuse you, vibrate within you." Listener, touch the experience of hearing about joy. 3." Whatever experience that might be present of mutual or sympathetic equanimity,where the heart balances together." 4. "What is manifesting now? Resting perhaps in the shared human experience of the whole of it; the hurt, the joy the boundless."
Insight Dialogue Community (SatiSphere) Insight Dialogue Retreat

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