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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-06-05 Foundational Right View 50:38
Ajahn Sucitto

2011-06-05 Vesak 2011 1:10:35
Ayya Anandabodhi
Insight Santa Cruz

2011-06-05 Three Lack Traps: Money, Fame and Romance 1:50:10
David Loy
Because we don't understand the source of our sense of lack, we tend to think that what we lack is something ourside ourselves, such as money, fame, or the partner who will complete us.
Gaia House Transforming Self Transforming World

2011-06-04 Speech Practice From the Retreat to Daily Life 40:04
Donald Rothberg
We explore (1) personal reflections on how to bring home the retreat; (2) grounding speech practice in personal practice; (3) continuing speech practice in daily life; and (4) bringing speech practice into our society - into our organizations, service, and participation in the larger society.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2011-06-04 The Why, What and How of Retreat 43:07
Brian Lesage
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center

2011-06-04 Welcoming Buddha 2:38:52
Ayya Anandabodhi
Insight Santa Cruz

2011-06-04 The Suffering Self 1:10:27
David Loy
In contemporaty terms, the self is dukkha (suffering) is because it is a psycho-social construct that can never feel secure. It is haunted by a sense of lack that we usually misunderstand.
Gaia House Transforming Self Transforming World

2011-06-03 Sangha Refuge and the Relational Field of Practice 55:30
Oren Jay Sofer
How do we understand the role of community, the refuge of sangha and our life's relationships in the context of the Buddha's teachings?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2011-06-03 Sangha as Refuge 16:16
Bhante Bodhidhamma
DhammaBytes, date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre The Refuges

2011-06-03 Opening Talk for Transforming Self, Transforming World 67:12
David Loy
Opening Talk for a retreat that explores the relationship between personal and social transformation. There are profound parallels between our individual predicament and our collective situation, and this retreat explores their nonduality. If the self is an insecure construct haunted by a sense of lack, we gain insight into our preoccupation with attachments such as money, fame, power and romance, and how the 'three poisons' (greed, ill will and delusion) have become institutionalised.
Gaia House Transforming Self Transforming World

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