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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-05-02 The Common Denominator 55:06
Will Kabat-Zinn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-05-02 Questions 1:42:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions included subjects such as bhava/becoming, reflecting on death, short cuts to enlightenment, right effort ...
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2011-05-02 The Path of Liberating Insight 64:27
Steve Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration

2011-05-02 Rupa Corporeality 13:04
Bhante Bodhidhamma
DhammaBytes, date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre Khanda - The Aggregates

2011-05-02 No Carrot, No Stick: Opening to the Center 68:07
Ajahn Sucitto
Feeling attracts and motivates the mind - often heedlessly. The feeling that accompanies skillful intention steers the mind towards release.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2011-05-01 Stories of the Tudong Monks pt 1 of 3 61:31
Ajahn Pasanno
Stories of the Tudong Monks. How they can guide our lives today.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-05-01 Remembering Love 54:54
Tara Brach
The habit of self-judgment not only causes emotional pain, it creates a trance that obscures the purity and vastness of our Being. This talk explores how a wakeful and forgiving heart can heal and free us. (Retreat Talk)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2011-05-01 Letting go of Disturbance, Deepening Stillness 60:07
Sally Armstrong
To deepen our meditation practice we need to work skillfully with whatever is a disturbance -- whether it's the gross forms of the hindrances, or the subtlest manifestations of restlessness. This subtle restlessness often comes from a primal anxiety. We need to recognize this and find the stillness in our experience. Then we can truly be with things as they are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration

2011-05-01 Khandha The Aggregates 13:48
Bhante Bodhidhamma
DhammaBytes, date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre Khanda - The Aggregates

2011-05-01 Stories of the Tudong Monks, pt 3 of 3 43:04
Ajahn Pasanno
pt 3 of 3
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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