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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-03-05 Vedana (Feelings) - Guided Meditation 46:24
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara Contact and the Aggregates

2011-03-05 Balance and Awareness - Guided Meditation 44:58
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara Contact and the Aggregates

2011-03-05 Mindfulness: Feet Touching The Ground 41:54
Mindfulness: Guide to true nature. Bring the light of awareness to body and breath
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Mysterious Way of the Heart: Where Wisdom and Compassion Meet

2011-03-05 Guided Meditation on Forgiveness 42:51
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Joy: A Metta Retreat

2011-03-05 Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness for Ourselves 41:28
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Joy: A Metta Retreat

2011-03-05 Loving Kindness and Forgiveness 51:18
Yanai Postelnik
This talk looks at how we can cultivate our hearts capacity for kindness and forgiveness, as we open into a deepening friendliness towards ourselves and others.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Joy: A Metta Retreat

2011-03-05 Loving Kindness Instructions 53:03
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Joy: A Metta Retreat

2011-03-05 The Sphere Of Relinquishment (Sat.Talk) 54:19
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2011-03-04 Heartwood 57:04
Kittisaro, Thanissara
Entering the retreat vehicle; not stopping at the initial benefits of practice; journey to the innermost heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-03-04 A Wise Person is Known by Her Actions 61:46
Carol Wilson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong Insight Retreat

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