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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-04-12 Dancing With Desire 57:16
Mark Coleman
How to work with Desire. Understanding its bind of attachment, craving & aversion - using humor & awareness as supports for freeing ourselves from desires grip.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-04-12 Turning the Wheel of Dharma - Part Two: The First Noble Truth - Understanding Dukkha 51:58
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge
In collection: Turning the Wheel of Dharma

2010-04-12 Generosity 64:10
Gina Sharpe
with Thanissara (Monthly People of Color Sangha Sitting)
New York Insight Meditation Center New York Insight 2010 Talks

2010-04-12 Our Practice Is Like A Garden 51:10
Steven Smith
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana Retreat with Mindful Movement

2010-04-12 Guided Metta 1:14:40
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2010-04-11 An Evening with Ajahn Anandabodhi 50:18
Ayya Anandabodhi
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2010-04-11 The Three Characteristics 46:19
Paul Burrows
Gaia House Meditation Day at Gaia House

2010-04-11 Metta 66:22
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2010-04-10 Day for Experienced Students: Dependent Origination 60:19
Sally Armstrong
Part 1
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2010-04-10 Day for Experienced Students: Dependent Origination 65:43
Sally Armstrong
Part 2
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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