Dharma Talks
Why Do We Have To Be Human?
Ayya Medhanandi
Meditation is a renewable resource. “Why do we have to be human? O not because happiness exists – but because being in this Dharma realm means so much.” Our spiritual work reveals how we must hold the mind – as refuge, safety, and protection from harm. This is the basis for true happiness. We pay attention to what is impermanent and thereby discover deeper treasure, knowing Reality, the truest renewable resource. With the ego disabled from consciousness, we transcend beyond the bonds and blindness of our human existence.
The Dharma Centre
We Are That Song
Ayya Medhanandi
Our suffering may feel too great or the mountain look too high. But we are resilient and we have it in us to do this work, to walk this path – if we can give up thoughts of self-cherishing and feel compassion for ourselves and for all beings. The fruit of this work is a treasure to be gained even in the smallest instant of awareness. With radical patience, just make peace with one moment of painful feeling. Then offer up the pain or misery. From the ashes of suffering, we turn inward to the clarity of the mind. Stay fully present in awareness, listening to that silence. Such a song comes – the pure sound of this awareness. That's what we are. We are that song.
Ottawa Buddhist Society (Sisters of St. Joseph Convent)
Out of This World
Ayya Medhanandi
By deeply examining the mind as the Buddha taught, we see our stark human predicament, why we suffer and the real source of happiness. For he awakened to suffering’s end and the noble path to freedom. With immense gratitude for his teaching, we learn how we are caught grasping the world, compelled by its impingement and tormented ever after. We realize the ineffable vanquishing of that disease – when we stop giving vent to the wanting mind and live each moment from a pure compassionate and wise awareness. And so, quite apart from the world, we directly know here and now, within our own heart – the truest joy, the supreme peace of Nibbana.
Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC)
Dharma 101
Jose Reissig
A review of the very basic teachings of the Buddha - i.e. The Four Noble Truths -, paying particular attention to their pragmatic and experiential nature.
Dominican Sisters center at Saugerties
Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat
Practicing with Views Part I
Donald Rothberg
We explore the nature of "views" (or strong beliefs or opinions) and how to practice with them by 1) grounding ourselves in some of the famous passages on views in the teachings of the Buddha, 2)identifying why and how views can be problematic and lead to suffering, and 3) offering practices this week to explore our views, whether personal, political or religious/spiritual.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks