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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-12-14 Mindfulness; The Flood Stopper 42:07
Centrality of mindfulness in the contemplative process. Khandas as self structure. Transformation within the womb of awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wings of Awakening: Cultivating the Five Spiritual Faculties

2009-12-13 If you understand one thing, you understand everything's journey 45:58
Meeting Ajahn Chah, All that arises passes. Patience and finding your own voice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wings of Awakening: Cultivating the Five Spiritual Faculties

2009-12-13 The Judging Mind 47:23
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2009-12-13 The Hard Things That Open the Heart 47:58
James Baraz
The Hard Things That Open the Heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2009-12-13 The Hard Things That Open The Heart 36:51
Rick Hanson
The Hard Things That Open the Heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2009-12-13 Reading the Book of the Heart 38:13
Hindrances as the teacher, cultivating trust. Mindfulness is the path to the deathless. That which knows doubt isn't doubt.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wings of Awakening: Cultivating the Five Spiritual Faculties

2009-12-12 The Map Of The Five Indriyas 57:21
The five indriyas in their four aspects. The balance of trudst and discernment. Path activity breaks up obstruction, the fruit arises according to its own nature.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wings of Awakening: Cultivating the Five Spiritual Faculties

2009-12-12 Guided Meditation 26:54
Working with the three steams of energy, being with breath
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wings of Awakening: Cultivating the Five Spiritual Faculties

2009-12-12 Loving Kindness 57:27
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Loving Kindness Retreat

2009-12-11 Compassion 52:42
Christina Feldman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center MBSR

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