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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-09-07 Compassion and Insight with Emotions 12:23
Amma Thanasanti
Shakti Vihara

2009-09-06 Buddhadharma as a Path of Happiness 63:15
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day

2009-09-06 An Imposter in the Body 43:30
Rodney Smith
Some of us feel like an imposter within our own body, but the practice will not bare fruit until we reclaim ourselves completely.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2009-09-05 The Thoughts Keep Coming 65:39
Howard Cohn
Another version of similar talks on self view and papanca highlighting our tendency to believe the imaginary versions of ourselves that play in our mind and obscure our natural happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day

2009-09-05 Space, the Final Frontier 43:06
Rodney Smith
Through relaxation the psychic space opens, revealing an infinite dimension.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2009-09-04 Get Back To Reality 54:36
Sharda Rogell
When we come into connection with ourselves and our experience, we come into contact with a living reality. And rather than reacting to and controlling it, we begin to relax into a curiosity and love for the journey of discovery.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day

2009-09-04 Closing Session for Dharma Flower Turning Dharma Flower 48:19
Reb Anderson
The personal sharings from retreatants at the end of Reb Andersons recorded talks have been removed to protect their privacy.
Gaia House Dharma Flower Turning Dharma Flower

2009-09-03 Wise Attitudes In Practice 60:07
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day

2009-09-03 Dharma Flower Turning Dharma Flower, the Facicle of Dogen Part One 53:19
Reb Anderson
The personal sharings from retreatants at the end of Reb Andersons recorded talks have been removed to protect their privacy.
Gaia House Dharma Flower Turning Dharma Flower

2009-09-02 The Sure Heart's Release, Part 1 53:55
Kamala Masters
The sure heart's release is about liberation through the gradual path of practicing Dana (generosity), Sila (living in harmony), and Bhavana (cultivating concentration and wisdom). Part 1 covers Dana and Sila. Part 2 will cover Bhavana.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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