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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-06-17 The Potential for Freedom 46:15
Noah Levine
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Meditation

2009-06-17 Fourth Metta Instructions-Forgiveness Guided Practice-Neutral 49:04
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-17 Seven Factors of Enlightenment 69:15
Steve Armstrong
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-16 Third Metta Instructions, Guided Practice-Good Friend 64:22
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-16 The Wisdom of Compassion and Forgiveness 62:49
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-16 Transformation of Afflictive States of Mind 1:19:50
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Vivekananda

2009-06-15 Take the One Seat 61:22
Jack Kornfield
Back to basics... Breath...Sit... Watch...Not-Watch
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-06-15 Q & A Rebirth Identification Emotions etc. 38:41
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-06-15 Second Metta Instructions, Guided Practice-Benefactor 57:07
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

2009-06-15 Awakening and Developing Faith 56:52
Steve Armstrong
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Insight and Loving Kindness

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