The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Realizing the Nature of Mind
Rob Burbea
Through practice we can glimpse a sense of the nature of awareness as something ever present and awesomely vast, and this sense can be cultivated as a profound resource for freedom and peace in our lives. But eventually we must see even beyond this to know the ultimate nature of the mind - empty, completely groundless, and dependently-arisen - a seeing which brings an even deeper freedom. This talk explores some of the ways this realization might be encouraged and developed in meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge
May 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge
Three Gifts That Serve Freedom
Tara Brach
There are three spiritual capacities that are essential for our freedom. The first, forgiveness, is the releasing of stories that this self, or another, is bad. It is an opening of the heart to include all parts of our own being and this world. The second, inner fire, is the energy of devotion to what most matters to us. The third, looking within to realize what we are, reveals the truth of reality itself. This talk uses an ancient Indian teaching tale and guided meditations to explore these core elements of spiritual liberation.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Practicing with the Shadow, pt III
The Collective Shadow and How We Work with It
Donald Rothberg
We first revisit the exploration of the shadow, how it forms, and how we work with it, we then look into the nature of collective shadow phenomena, how the personal and collective shadow inter-penetrate, and how we work with the collective shadow. The key, as always, is to establish a relatively safe space to develop awareness, compassion and wisdom, leading to skillful action.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks