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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-05-11 The Art of Concentration 47:52
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2009-05-11 Morning Instruction 2 - Body 15:13
Sharda Rogell
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-11 The Hindrances 47:28
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Gaia House Mahasi Retreat

2009-05-10 In-Body Presence 53:03
Sharda Rogell
The body is the first support for presence and connection to life. Even though many people find it difficult to reside in their bodies, as we arrive more fully, we find a happiness of mind that brings a sense of stability to our experience.
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-10 10 Die Essenz des Lebens - Dana - Sila - Bhavana 58:06
Ariya B. Baumann

2009-05-10 Morning Instruction 1 - Breath 16:58
Sharda Rogell
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-10 Impermanence 41:18
Jason Murphy
Insight Santa Cruz

2009-05-10 Mahasi Techniques 67:37
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Gaia House Mahasi Retreat

2009-05-09 Into the depths of Silence 59:18
Rob Burbea
Listening to silence in our lives, opening to its embrace, reveals a profound and immense power to transform the heart. Deepening in the stillness of meditation, our practice involves mindfulness of all ‘objects’, but must eventually also go beyond objects to realize a truly boundless freedom – of being nothing and having nothing.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-05-09 09 Dünger für die Meditationspraxis (Dana & Sila) 57:10
Ariya B. Baumann

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