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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-06-16 Trusting Your Buddha Knowing 61:46
James Baraz
The source of our awakening is right inside us. As we learn to listen deeply to the wisdom and purity of heart that is connected to the truth we are following the Buddha's instructions to be "be a lamp unto yourself."
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2008 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2008-06-16 Being Embodied with Mindfulness 53:30
Sharda Rogell
When awareness mingles with sensations in the body, it is like returning home after a long journey. So why is it so hard to rest in the immediacy of our experience called 'body'?
Gaia House Insight Meditation And Contemplative Inquiry

2008-06-15 Guided Meditation - Cultivating Appreciation 39:30
Ajahn Sucitto

2008-06-15 Deathlessness Is Like This 67:10
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-15 Closing 1:35:05
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-14 Buddho, Dhammo, Sangho 67:43
Ajahn Sumedho
Using Buddho, Dhammo, Sangho as a reminder not to take refuge in conditions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-14 Evening Chanting In English 12:16
Ajahn Candasiri
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-14 Mirror, Mirror... 1:13:34
Ajahn Sumedho
Developing gratitude, contentment, and joy plus more reflections on the fetters.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-14 Leaving Your Comfort Zone 47:30
Sharda Rogell
To live freshly we will need to go beyond all that is known and familiar to us, which we avoid at all costs. Why do we hold on so tightly when what we are longing for is in the relaxation and letting go?
Gaia House Insight Meditation And Contemplative Inquiry

2008-06-13 35. Bojjhangas Part IV 67:33
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Three-Month Retreat

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