Dharma Talks
Facets of the Diamond
Host & the guest and the fundamental confusion between the two
Staying at home, the one that hears the sound and the sound merge
Allow the world the come to the heart.
Before knowledge
Original nature & original split
Self structure as defence against original pain of separation
Original Brightness Retreat
Exploring the Relationship with Practice
Rob Burbea
Please note that these talks are from a 4 week retreat for experienced meditators. The talks and meditations can be listened to in any order or individually, but as they progressively unfold different levels of understanding of Emptiness, they will probably be more fully understood and the practices more easily developed if taken in series
Gaia House
Meditation on Emptiness (2009)
The Shurangama Samadhi
The Dharma door of Chan / Zen
The King of Samadhi’s – the Shurangama – Durable – Samadhi
The context of the Shurangama Sutra – Ananda, Matangi’s daughter, Manjushri, the Buddha & Avalokitesvara
Kuan Yin’s favoured meathod – ‘returning the hearing’
The pure, bright and primordial essence of consciousness
Anuruddha seeks out advice from Sariputta – ‘Turn your mind to the Deathless’
Original Brightness Retreat
What it is to be a Self
John Peacock
Please note that these talks are from a 4 week retreat for experienced meditators. The talks and meditations can be listened to in any order or individually, but as they progressively unfold different levels of understanding of Emptiness, they will probably be more fully understood and the practices more easily developed if taken in series
Gaia House
Meditation on Emptiness (2009)
Part 1 - Freedom In The Midst Of Fear
Tara Brach
One understanding of the spiritual path is relating wisely to fear. Our conditioned reaction is to feel aversion to fear and do anything but simply experience it. We discover freedom when instead of reacting, we recognize and open to fear with a kind, committed presence. While fear might or might not remain, with awareness, the suffering of being identified as a fearful self dissolves.
In Part I of this talk, we look at how to recognize the physical, mental, emotional and behavioral facets of the body of fear. In Part II we explore a range of pathways for cultivating a healing and freeing presence in the midst of fear.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks