Dharma Talks
Leaving The Samsaric Home
Ajahn Sucitto
The mind drags us into places, and we easily locate ourselves there. This is what I’m stuck in, this is what I am. How to get a handle? The samādhi approach is to deal with the energy, not the topic. The sīla approach is to refer to the skilful. The pañña approach is to recognize this for what it is. We need to know how to handle the energy of the mind, and to practise ethical intentions and investigation.
Winter Retreat
The Ten Paramis
Rodney Smith
The Ten Paramis, or the ten perfections, are the ten qualities of character that can be developed to support the path of awakening. The Paramis can be seen as attributes of awareness itself and also as cultivated states that will enhance our lives. (Two talks given on each Parami.)
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
All Beings are of One Substance
Avalokitesvara – the Lord of Ease
Ekayana – All streams lead to the ocean - all Dharma doors lead to the One Heart
All Dharma doors are connected to Mindfulness
Crossing over beings of the self nature – being kind is being Kuan Yin
All Beings have been our mother, father, relative and are potential Buddha’s
Kittisaro’s mother’s death and his tribute to her
Original Brightness Retreat
Mindfulness of Movement
Ajahn Sucitto
The underlying bent of the mind is craving, that leaning of the mind to have, get, find, belong. In meditation we practise with loosening that craving energy, and introducing calming subjects for recollection. Walking meditation is a skilful means for loosening and gentling the mind.
Winter Retreat
The Challenge of Radical Contingency
John Peacock
Please note that these talks are from a 4 week retreat for experienced meditators. The talks and meditations can be listened to in any order or individually, but as they progressively unfold different levels of understanding of Emptiness, they will probably be more fully understood and the practices more easily developed if taken in series
Gaia House
Meditation on Emptiness (2009)