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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-01-02 Journey to a Bow 48:22
Christina Feldman
This talk explores the conceit of self-superiority, inferiority and equality. The conceit of self impacts upon our lives - the understanding of it liberates the heart.
Gaia House Stillness and Insight - The New Year's Retreat

2009-01-01 Dignity and the Qualities of a Ruler 48:56
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-01-01 Giving & Receiving-The Seamless Circle Of Generosity 1:11:31
Marcia Rose
An inner wealth of generosity is a powerful medicine. As our heart heals and opens the wholesome energies of giving and receiving grow and flow within us. We begin to live this seemless circle quite naturally as who we are.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-01-01 Knowing Limitless Freedom 54:58
Sharda Rogell
What is left when we let go of the mental activity of objectifying, and solidifying our reality? What happens when we see into the empty nature of conditioned phenomenon?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Years Retreat

2009-01-01 Hindrances 42:58
Ajahn Sucitto

2009-01-01 Intimacy and Stillness 41:10
Catherine McGee
Gaia House Stillness and Insight - The New Year's Retreat

2008-12-31 Stilling The Constructions Of Mind 48:16
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Years Retreat

2008-12-31 Beyond Impermanence 59:16
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Stillness and Insight - The New Year's Retreat

2008-12-30 Generosity 58:31
Adrianne Ross
The beautiful gifts of pure presence, acceptance and relinquishing as antidotes to greed, aversion and delusion as a pathway to liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Years Retreat

2008-12-30 A Taste of Freedom 51:22
Christina Feldman
The Buddha encourages us to find a taste of freedom in the contemplation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. It is a teaching that encourages the deepening of insight in the classroom of our lives.
Gaia House Stillness and Insight - The New Year's Retreat

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