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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-10-23 Bodhisattva's Way Of Life #9: Dedication Of Merit 55:46
James Baraz
This week I will complete the Shantideva series with his final chapter on the power of dedicating your actions as an act of generosity. We often end the sittings or a period of practice by sharing any merit for the benefit of all beings. This practice can be used in very simple but potent ways as a method for brining a heartfelt sincerity to your practice for the benefit of specific individuals. For instance if you’re trying to change a habit, offering the merit of that wholesome change to someone who is having a hard time in their life. This practice of dedicating merit both connects you with others and motivates you beyond mere self-improvement. We’ll be exploring just how this can work in our daily life to give energy and enthusiasm to our practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2008-10-22 Patience: Healing into the Present Moment 2:33
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2008-10-22 Practicing With Fear - part I 58:16
Donald Rothberg
Fear is a very powerful force in our lives- personally, interpersonally and socially. What is fear and how do we work with it? Here we explore the nature of fear and its complex nature as involving intelligence and an urge to action, but also commonly reactivity and delusions. We suggest several main ways of practicing, 1) coming back to balance through antidotes such as metta, beauty and refuges in our deeper values; 2) mindfulness; 3) wisdom and 4) active inquiry and engagement with our own fear.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2008-10-21 The Freedom We Want Is Not The Freedom We Get 47:40
Larry Yang
Freedom is not what we think it is...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center LGBTQ

2008-10-20 The Wisdom Of Ordination 56:07
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2008-10-20 Dancing, Sassy And Present 54:30
Arinna Weisman
Trusting that abandoning the unwholesome qualities of mind, the stories and identities which keep them in place, we find the love and wisdom of our Buddha nature that never ends.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center LGBTQ

2008-10-19 Kathina Talk 2008-Great Heart 43:19
Ajahn Sucitto
Renunciation sounds painful, but it’s actually a very useful thing to be able to do. Rather than seeking the beautiful and the good where it can’t be found, we consider what is actually needed. We find the heart is enriched through acts of generosity and sharing, and through these, we get what we need.
Cittaviveka 2008 Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2008-10-19 Coming Home - The Precious Experience Of Belonging 38:45
Larry Yang
How the sense of belonging is so important to our spiritual practice and our lived lives. A sense of trust and safety supports our mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center LGBTQ

2008-10-18 Independence And Freedom, Q&A - part 1 1:19:37
Sayadaw U Jagara
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2008 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2008-10-18 The Gift Of Presence And Loving Kindness On Our Paths Of Awakening 48:42
Arinna Weisman
The transformative power of mindfulness to all our experiences as described in the four foundations of mindfulness and its companion loving kindness and forgiveness in holding the places of forgetting
Spirit Rock Meditation Center LGBTQ

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