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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-09-14 The Sattipathana Sutta 45:29
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2008-09-14 Working with Anger and Aversion 57:16
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation

2008-09-13 Four Elements with Q&A 1:19:54
Sayadaw U Jagara
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2008 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2008-09-13 The Road Less Travelled 50:57
Christina Feldman
Anxiety and Aversion are the proximate causes of disconnection in our lives. This talk explores the ways that mindfulness and investigation take us from a life of impulse and reactivity to a conscious, responsive life.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation

2008-09-12 Opening Talk for Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation 46:15
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation

2008-09-11 Introduction to Mindfulness - Week 1 1:33:37
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2008-09-11 Diversity 22:40
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

2008-09-11 Bodhisattva's Way Of Life #6: Working With Anger 53:32
James Baraz
This talk is continuing our series with Chapter 6 of Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life. The theme is “Working with Anger” specifically cultivating Patience.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2008-09-10 Practicing Wise Speech In Difficult Conditions 56:42
Donald Rothberg
What resources and perspectives help us to practice wise speech when the conditions are difficult? We focus especially on developing a strong "container" (both internal and in the community), and on learning better to work with difficult thoughts and emotions, in the context of speech, giving a number of stories and examples.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech and Nonviolent Communication

2008-09-09 Reflections 45:16
Brad Richecoeur
Gaia House Insight Meditation and QiGong

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