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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-04-09 Cultivating and Letting Go 30:11
Ayya Anandabodhi
Dharma Reflection
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embracing Change, Mastering Letting Go

2023-04-09 Opening into the Breath 38:52
Ayya Anandabodhi
Morning Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embracing Change, Mastering Letting Go

2023-04-09 Forgiveness in Relation to our Ways of Seeing the Body. 54:58
Catherine McGee
Gaia House Your Body, Buddha's Body

2023-04-09 Penetrating the Weave of Suffering 51:39
Ajahn Sucitto
The mass of suffering seems impenetrable. But through practice we see it's actually a weave, a net, which is mostly space.
Vimutti Buddhist Monestary :  Vimutti Retreat

2023-04-09 Non-distraction, Attention, Dissociation, Routine, Rituel 50:46
Akincano Marc Weber
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Présence d'esprit - Présence de coeur

2023-04-09 Puja for lifting the heart 13:20
Ajahn Sucitto
The poetic nature of puja allows one to enter, touch the mind and know it directly.
Vimutti Buddhist Monestary :  Vimutti Retreat

2023-04-09 Guided Meditation on the Four Elements 64:06
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 3-Week Spring 2023 Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose

2023-04-08 Inviting a Lovng Figure 49:06
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House Your Body, Buddha's Body

2023-04-08 Q&A 48:38
Ajahn Sucitto
00:08 1. The word restraint brings up a lot of aversion in me. I feel as if it's an imposition on me. It is asking me to give up a known pleasure that can be felt now, or soon, for an unknown pleasure on the path that I may get to experience. It just doesn't add up. How do you see restraint? 06:33 2. You said something about how right views and virtue put the body and the mind in position that leads to right concentration and insight. I think I missed some steps. Can you clarify please? 15:24 3. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and struggle with doubt from time to time what is the nature of doubt? How can I work with it? 22:50 4. Questions about energy: a) You spoke about energy and awareness being open as opposed to closed. I have a hard time visualizing this as energy and awareness are all contained within the body. b) What's the relationship between steadiness in the flow of energy in the body and mind? c) How to turn to qualities in the bodies such as steadiness that support these same qualities in the citta? 37:56 5. What is it to be receptive? It seems receptivity also includes a skillful way of evaluating things too. Perhaps the other end of receptivity is being a doormat? 43:04 6. In walking meditation I'm learning to trust my feet to lead me to adapt to uneven terrain. However my left side gets tense. I find a reluctance to be at ease. 46:58 7. Regarding the subjects for frequent recollection, could you elaborate on the idea that the wise could find fault with my conduct.
Vimutti Buddhist Monestary :  Vimutti Retreat

2023-04-08 Mindfulness dans le cadre de l’entraînement de l’esprit 1:10:16
Akincano Marc Weber
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Présence d'esprit - Présence de coeur

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