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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-10-04 Brahma Vihara - Guided Metta Sitting 47:48
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Self, benefactor and dear friend
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2007-10-04 Investigating The Nature Of Mind 51:49
Shaila Catherine
This talk explores various approaches to investigating the nature of knowing, emptiness, and self-construction.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation, Inquiry and the Nondual

2007-10-04 Guided Big Mind Meditation 45:42
Shaila Catherine
This guided meditation explores the vast spacious clarity of awareness. It includes sounds and silence, bells and gongs, intertwined with inquiry into the nature of mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation, Inquiry and the Nondual

2007-10-03 Path Of Peace 1:12:35
Tara Brach
Awakening from the Trance of Separation - We all have conditioning that can keep us at war with our inner life, and fuel violence in the world. These universal tendencies can block our natural attunement and capacity to respond with compassion to life. The practices of presence allow us to recognize this conditioning and awaken to the truth of our connectedness, to the wisdom and love that make peace possible.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2007-10-03 Non-Confusion with Feeling 55:17
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2007-10-03 Body Sweep 48:46
Ruth Denison

2007-10-03 Sitting Instructions Using Investigation and Allowing Metta Practice 56:50
Ruth Denison
Tape 1

2007-10-03 Relationship As Spiritual Practice II 62:54
Donald Rothberg
We continue our exploration, with a review of why, in the contemporary west, it’s important to develop a fuller sense of relationship as practice, and what the prerequisites for this practice are, in terms of Buddhist resources. Then we explore how in relationship there can be a full sense of inner awareness and roundedness (the “I”), awareness of and xxx toward the other (the “you”), and a third “body” (the feid of the “we”. We use experiential exercises to explore this.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2007-10-03 Ten Unwholesome Actions 64:10
Joseph Goldstein
Ten Unwholesome Actions
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2007-10-03 Instructional Sit with Body Sweep 57:43
Ruth Denison
A guided instructional sit, beginning with Metta meditation and expanding into the purposes of reflection. Instructions continuing the practice of attending, investigation with allowance and deep appreciation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Vipassana: Awareness of the Nature of Life

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