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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2006-07-21 Purifying Intent 48:28
Ajahn Sucitto
This teaching encompasses all forms of experience, and the liberation from it all. Held with right intention, forms can be used for their benefits without clinging to them. Use forms – the body, the monastery – as props, to purify intention.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-21 The Four Vows 51:57
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-21 A Democracy of the Imagination 58:25
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-20 Absolute Honesty - Grasping, Self, & Personhood 55:33
Ajahn Sucitto
There is some kind of personhood that is enriched, that realizes. This is different from self, which is imagined, generated out of grasping. Come out of the story line of self, and into basic presence. A purification of this personhood – resilience, strength, clarity, heartfulness – comes about naturally as we meditate.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-20 Anatta And Our Personality 56:36
Sharda Rogell
Understanding Anatta. Our personality doesn't have to dissolve in order to understand the not-self nature of who we are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-07-20 Discourse on the Form of Thought 49:37
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-20 Buddhanature 56:58
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Study Retreat

2006-07-19 Guided Meditation - Lifting The Heart 42:36
Ajahn Sucitto
The process of samādhi is as important as anything else, wherever the process lands. Give priority to 3 fundamental roots: inclination towards kindness/well-being; protection/warding off what’s harmful; letting go of sense contact.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat

2006-07-19 Understanding Right Effort #3 56:41
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2006-07-19 Happiness - part 4: Letting Go 58:25
James Baraz
The joy of letting go includes restraint expressed as sitting with integrity as well as letting go of stories, expectation & experiences. This letting go is not a sacrifice but rather releasing the burden of holding onto the things that cause us suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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