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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2006-04-22 Opening, Suffusing, Releasing 61:06
Ajahn Sucitto
A lot of suffering is related to a particular mode of doing, an involuntary overwhelming doing. Through mediation we cultivate a different way. By shifting the mind to presence, mind opens to a subtler aspect of doing on the feeling, subjective level – suffusing. We come out of the grip of how we usually attend. This is release.

2006-04-21 Friday Afternoon Program 55:34
Norman Fischer
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-04-21 Happiness and Harmlessness 61:40
Carol Wilson
date uncertain

2006-04-21 Guided Meditation - Big Sky Mind 42:28
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Yucca Valley) Meditation Retreat

2006-04-20 Wisdom Parami 54:10
Steve Armstrong

2006-04-20 Generosity 52:31
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2006 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2006-04-20 Creativity 52:36
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Zen Meditation

2006-04-19 Ethics and Compassion 43:57
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Zen Meditation

2006-04-18 Lovingkindness 51:07
Kamala Masters
The practice of Lovingkindness creates pathways in the mind/heart that become more clear and accessible to us.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Parami & Concentration Retreat

2006-04-18 Sudden Awakening 56:15
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Zen Meditation

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