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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-03-16 Passion, Desire, and the Path 62:22
Rob Burbea
Often in spiritual traditions desire is seen simply as something to rid ourselves of, but there is a very important place for it on the path. We need passion. And we need both to understand desire and to know freedom from desire.
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat

2007-03-16 Guided Meditation on Body Scan and Breath 28:09
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2007-03-15 The One Who Knows 51:44
Jack Kornfield

2007-03-15 Differentiating Right Effort from Wise Effort 41:16
Rodney Smith
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2007-03-15 Intimacy, Acceptance, Release 45:40
Christina Feldman
Intimacy is the heart of mindfulness. This talk explores the power of aversion and the freedom from aversion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Women In Meditation

2007-03-15 Home and Homelessness 57:01
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat

2007-03-15 Samvega (Spiritual Urgency) 53:16
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2007-03-14 The Mind and the Way: The Three Refuges 1 59:58
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2007-03-14 Letting Go of Self-Doubt 1:18:42
Michael Grady
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2007-03-14 Rescue Remedy 46:43
Ayya Medhanandi
By practising awareness of your breath you will begin to understand your mental and physical processes and develop mindfulness. You will know what is happening as it happens, and you will be able to recognize a hindrance and turn it off. Spiritual regret for past unwholesome actions can develop and you will be able to abandon them and let go of a lifetime’s accumulation of baggage. A talk given at a 10 day Ottawa Buddhist Society retreat at the Galilee Centre, Arnprior, Ontario, Canada.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

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