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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2003-08-31 Trusting Your Buddha-Knowing 60:07
James Baraz
The source of our awakening is right inside us. As we learn to listen deeply to the wisdom and purity of heart that is connected to the truth we are following the Buddha's instructions to be "be a lamp unto yourself."
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-31 Trusting Your Buddha Knowing 59:36
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-30 Why Not Let Go? 45:09
Martin Aylward
Gaia House Retreat with Martin Aylward

2003-08-29 All We Want Is To Be Where We Are 54:07
Sharda Rogell
As we embody our experience fully, the idea of what we think will bring relief from our unhappiness drops away, and allows us to drop into the true source of our happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-29 Starting From Where We Are 56:48
Martin Aylward
Gaia House Retreat with Martin Aylward

2003-08-28 What Is Mindfulness 56:45
James Baraz
Why be mindful? Different aspects of mindfulness including seeing clearly and non-judging as well as benefits of mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-27 Anatta 62:28
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-23 Integrating The Practice 1:10:00
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Practicing in everyday life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-23 What Is An Experience 48:13
Christopher Titmuss
When does an experience start and finish? The story of a Jewish friend, Erica, who hid from the nazis, as a metaphor. Do we really need a story experience for our liberation?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-22 Distraction and the Nature of Mind 36:24
Shaila Catherine
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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