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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-06-19 Opening Session (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:32:17
Diana Winston, Alex Haley, Carol Cano, Gullu Singh
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness For Everyone

2023-06-19 Puja and chanting 7:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Puja means honouring, revering and praising, bringing our hearts into the path of purity, of harmlessness.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-19 The Enlightenment Factors 65:02
Sayadaw Vivekananda
This talk introduces the seven Enlightenment Factors, (bojjhangas), and gives an explanation of the enlightenment factor of Investigation of States, Dhamma Vicaya Sambojjhanga.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2023

2023-06-19 The Five Spiritual Faculties: Faith (week 2 of 8) - Meditation 27:48
Mark Nunberg
This course examines the Buddha’s teachings on the five spiritual faculties of confidence, energy, mindful awareness, stability of awareness, and wisdom. It is the development and balancing of these five faculties that provide the force that moves the mind from faith to wisdom and release.
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: The Five Spiritual Faculties (Summer 2023)

2023-06-19 The Five Spiritual Faculties: Faith (week 2 of 8) - Talk 37:34
Mark Nunberg
This course examines the Buddha’s teachings on the five spiritual faculties of confidence, energy, mindful awareness, stability of awareness, and wisdom. It is the development and balancing of these five faculties that provide the force that moves the mind from faith to wisdom and release.
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: The Five Spiritual Faculties (Summer 2023)

2023-06-19 Puja – guidance on use of voice 29:26
Ajahn Sucitto
Let voice become a special experience, using it fully and carefully to experience the mutuality of the cosmos. Making and receiving sounds is a wonderful interactive experience.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-19 The preciousness of the Buddha’s teaching 15:11
Ajahn Sucitto
The dhamma is an amazing inheritance that allows us to experience the fullness of being a human being, inheriting and participating in the entire cosmos of material and immaterial experience.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-19 Committing to Practice 18:15
Ajahn Sucitto
Practice means bringing ourselves into line with and sensing a dhamma transmission that is thousands of years old.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-19 Vedana - Second foundation 40:55
DaRa Williams
The subtlety of feeling tone. Don't have to react!
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center By Any Means Necessary: A Journey to Liberation & Freedom Through Wisdom & the Heart

2023-06-19 Juneteenth 2023 1:48:35
Noliwe Alexander
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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