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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2004-07-24 There's Treasure Everywhere 59:37
Michele McDonald
Deepening and trusting our practice in retreat and daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2004-07-22 Living In The Shade Of Metta 68:25
Ariya B. Baumann
The practice of lovingkindness yields powerful and unexpected results both in formal meditation practice and in our daily life. Getting a thorough understanding of the spirit of metta helps to cultivate a genuine and selfless feeling of lovingkindness.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2004 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2004-07-06 Karma and Meditation in Daily Life 42:34
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-11-05 The Eightfold Path and Daily Life 58:03
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-10-28 The Happiness Of Insight 68:01
Steven Smith
Inspiring metaphors and stories for retreat practice and daily life about the happiness & joys of insight meditation not dependent upon what's happening in the world around us.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2003-07-26 Taking Our Practice Into Daily Life 52:42
Sharon Salzberg

2003-06-01 Learning How To Live (I) 48:28
Larry Rosenberg
Attention and the willingness to learn from what we see and hear in daily life is a major part of dharma practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana & Viniyoga Retreat

2003-03-13 Self Knowing And The Daily Life Of Retreats - Iii 55:36
Larry Rosenberg
As above.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2003-03-11 Self Knowing And The Daily Life Of Retreats - Ii 49:13
Larry Rosenberg
As above.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2003-03-09 Self Knowing And The Daily Life Of Retreats 47:13
Larry Rosenberg
Retreat daily life provides many rich opportunities to know oneself. If the ordinary retreat activities 'off the cushion' are practiced whole-heartedly there can be great transfer of skill when we return home.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

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