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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-07-15 Q&A 50:04
Ajahn Sucitto
04:57 Q1 How to work with jealousy at others’ good fortune. 21:15 Q2 Living through old age, sickness and death is really highlighting my dread of being unreasonable and fitting in with family. What to do? 23:33 Q3 How can we use grief after the loss of a loved one? 27:36 Q4 Two similar questions: (a) I have experienced a loss of direction and feel no zest for living and insecurity overwhelms me. (b) Angry thoughts / emotional intensity lead to self admonishment. What can I do? 32:25 Q5 Can you expand your ideas about the connections between citta and cetena. 37:37 Q6 What is meant by the unconditioned? 42:56 Q7 What are the kasinas? 46:24 Q8 Can you speak about hiriottappa?
Cittaviveka 2022 Online Teaching

2022-07-15 Purification of view – part three 53:08
Deborah Ratner Helzer
How does clear mindfulness of the body and mind lead to insight and liberation?
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2022

2022-07-15 Citta - the knowing that is healing 59:49
Akincano Marc Weber
On the notion of the Citta - an early Buddhist take on mind – 10 quotes on the nature of the Citta
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2022-07-15 Dharma Talk 53:58
Nathan Glyde
Dukkha - the Unreliability Factor

2022-07-16 Early morning reflection 28:33
Akincano Marc Weber
Embodiment – three dimensions of sitting – insight and outside
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2022-07-16 Cittānupassanā practice - practical suggestions on how to engage with and cultivate the Citta 50:54
Akincano Marc Weber, Brian Lesage
Standing meditation - guided; walking instructions
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2022-07-16 Morning Instructions 27:36
Nathan Glyde
Seeing unsatisfactory.
Gaia House The Freedom of an Awakened Heart

2022-07-16 Guided Meditation (based on morning instructions) 31:32
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House The Freedom of an Awakened Heart

2022-07-16 Sense Restraint: Exploring Implicit Bias 53:48
Brian Lesage
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

2022-07-16 Dharma Talk 51:32
Zohar Lavie
Awakening to All of Life
Gaia House The Freedom of an Awakened Heart

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