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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2003-02-09 Patience 39:51
Arinna Weisman
Using experiences as a child growing up in South Africa, as well as experiences in her daily life, Arinna shares how the practice of patience is an essential part of practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-10 Stories On Death and Dying 46:48
Ruth Denison
Integrating experiences of death and dying in daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-06 The Five Precepts 1:10:29
Ruth Denison
Including the five precepts in daily life. Cultivating them in positive action.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-08-12 Meditation in Daily Life 37:54
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-07-27 Faith and Practice in Daily Life 51:07
Sharon Salzberg

2002-07-27 Faith and Practice in Daily Life 52:19
Sharon Salzberg

2002-06-30 Not Here, Not There 34:24
Christopher Titmuss
We often make a division, a duality, between a retreat and daily life. Is there reality in this division or it is a projection of our mind?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-08 Vipassana Meditation In Daily Life 46:07
Larry Rosenberg
Focus on bringing to our daily lives and relationships the same vitality, motivation and interest that characterizes our formal meditation practice.
New York Insight Meditation Center

2002-02-03 The Joy In Renunciation 56:18
Guy Armstrong
Renunciation of the activities and relationships in our daily life is one of the chief supports of meditative deepening on retreats. Because renunciation is the active practice of non-desire, it leads to greater peace and happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-05-05 Moving from Retreat Life into Daily Life 67:36
Narayan Helen Liebenson

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