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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2009-11-05 Buddha's Teaching on Cultivating the Mind 52:49
Sharda Rogell
A useful talk to help us understand the play of creative and destructive thoughts that explores one discourse the Buddha gave on cultivating our mind. He shows how we can interrupt patterns of mind that lead to pain and encourage wholesome and positive states to arise.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2009-10-12 Mindfulness of the Body. 56:42
Sally Armstrong
Though the heart of our meditation practice is to understand and free the mind, much of our experience is known through the body, so our relationship to the body is extremely important. Learning how to work skillfully with both pleasant and painful experiences is essential in meditation, and developing a wise attitude to the body that appreciates it yet doesn’t identify with it as me or mine is a great support to the deepening of practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Two-Month Retreat

2009-09-15 Ten Paramis: Truthfulness (2) 42:58
Rodney Smith
Honesty is defined by our ability to acknowledge distortion without pretension, uncover pain without projection, and face facts without defensiveness.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: The Ten Paramis

2009-07-29 The 8 Worldly Winds, I 59:06
Donald Rothberg
An examination of how we practice with pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, praise and blame; with stories referring to Buddha's teaching + discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-06-09 Equanimity 41:43
Shaila Catherine
This talk explores equanimity as the fourth of the four qualities called Brahma Viharas. Previous talks in this series addressed loving kindness, compassion, and appreciative joy. Equanimity allows us to remain present and awake with the fact of things—equally close to the things we like and the things we dislike. It is important to develop equanimity in two arenas: 1) in response to pleasant and painful feelings, and 2) regarding the future results of our actions. Equanimity develops in meditation and in life. We can use unexpected events that we cannot control to develop this quality. Our job is not to judge our experiences, but to be present and respond wisely. Equanimity is a beautiful mental factor that can feel like freedom, but if "I" and "mine" still operate, there is still work to be done. Many suggestions are offered for cultivating equanimity.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Four Brahma Viharas
In collections: Four Brahma Viharas, The Ten Paramis

2009-05-26 Compassion 22:19
Shaila Catherine
Compassion, karuna, is the intention of non-cruelty. It is the aspect of loving kindness (metta) that responds wisely to pain, and wishes to alleviate suffering. Compassion training helps us to remain present with pain. There is no need to fear pain, no need to consider pain bad or wrong. A compassionate self-acceptance allows us to remain present and responsive in the face of life's most difficult moments. With compassion we can ask "How can I help?" and stay present to respond.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Four Brahma Viharas
In collection: Four Brahma Viharas

2009-05-17 Mindfulness of Body 56:39
Dori Langevin
The life of the body is a tether to moment to moment experience. Cultivating an enlarged awareness, infused with kindness, plus directly contacting sensations, allows us to be with unpleasant sensations we often call "pain"
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2009-04-29 Cultivating Equanimity, pt II 55:01
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the cultivation of equanimity by focusing especially on how we keep balance and, increasingly, unshakability with the eight worldly winds of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, and praise and blame. We also focus on the qualities of understanding, joy and faith found in mature equanimity, with stories from Martin Luther Kind, Jr., Etty Hillesun and more treatment of multiple near-enemies of equnimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-04-16 2nd AM Qs and As, Working with Wandering Mind, Pain, Cognitive Activities of Mind 14:06
Steve Armstrong
Madonna Retreat Center :  Mindfulness and Equanimity

2009-04-14 4th AM Qs and As: Dhamma bingeing/taking practice home,working with pain,"Not me, Not mine, Not who I am" 18:51
Steve Armstrong
Madonna Retreat Center :  Mindfulness and Equanimity

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