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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1998-01-01 Contemplation On Death And Dying - III 38:55
Rodney Smith
Death is the ending of time.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Contemplation Of Death And Dying

1998-01-01 Contemplation On Death And Dying - IV 45:30
Rodney Smith
Countering our denial of the fact that all things end by opening to death.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Contemplation Of Death And Dying

1998-01-01 The Wanting Mind 42:54
Rodney Smith
The background belief in our inadequacy leads to the white noise of continual wanting.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-01-01 Right Effort 31:45
Arinna Weisman
GAPS AND SOUNDS ON ORIGINAL……. How effort fits into our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-01-01 The Four Foundations Of Mindfulness 38:39
Arinna Weisman
A talk on the Buddha's inclusive desumption of the practice of mindfulness in all areas of life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-01-01 Faith In Our Unconditional Happiness 48:39
Arinna Weisman
The factors which build our faith in happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-01-01 Contemplation Of Death And Dying 2:50:00
Rodney Smith
This series delves deeply into all aspects of death and presents ways to use the subject as a guide for our spiritual practice. (Two tapes - four talks)

1998-01-01 Meditación De La Respiración 29:25
Rebecca Bradshaw
(Guided Breath Meditation) Una meditación guiada en usar la respiración para desarrollar concentración y claridad.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center New Year's Retreat (10 days)

1998-01-01 Meditación Del Amor Bondadoso 29:31
Rebecca Bradshaw
(Loving Kindness Meditation) Una meditación guiada en como cultivar un amor bondadoso hacia nosotros mismos, la familia y los amigos, y todos los seres del mundo.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center New Year's Retreat (10 days)

1997-12-29 Why Do We Practice? 38:44
Russell Walker
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

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