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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1997-02-22 Practice In The World 58:37
Sharon Salzberg
being happy and free regardless of circumstances

1997-02-21 Gateways To Liberation 68:36
Joseph Goldstein
nothing whatsoever is to be clung to as I or mine

1997-02-21 Magha Puja- What Do Arahants Do 1:14:31
Ajahn Sucitto

1997-02-20 Suffering As An Opening To Faith 57:01
Sharon Salzberg
ways of using suffering and honoring happiness

1997-02-18 Love And Fear 66:05
Joseph Goldstein
learning to know ourselves completely with no part left out
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1997-02-17 What The Buddha Taught: The Seven Factors Of Enlightenment 62:12
Jack Kornfield
Expressions of the freedom of the heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1997-02-16 Intimate Presence 53:58
Steve Armstrong

1997-02-15 Wisdom Faculties - Part 2 64:43
Ajahn Sucitto

1997-02-14 Wisdom Faculties - Part 1 54:26
Ajahn Sucitto

1997-02-13 3 Pillars Of The Dharma 60:06
Kamala Masters
getting real: bringing generosity, harmony and meditation into our daily life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat (7 days)

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