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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1991-05-01 Forgiveness 1:21:27
Gavin Harrison

1991-04-27 Questions And Answers 62:46
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 7 Day Meditation/Inquiry with C Titmuss

1991-04-26 Service And Suchness 48:30
Christopher Titmuss
balancing out the dilemma of two viewpoints: 1) living calmly, clearly, and peacefully, or 2) taking action in the world
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 7 Day Meditation/Inquiry with C Titmuss

1991-04-26 Spiritual Faculties In Daily Life 59:12
Joseph Goldstein

1991-04-25 The Transcendence Of Love 43:09
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 7 Day Meditation/Inquiry with C Titmuss

1991-04-23 Does Spirituality Truly Exist? 47:58
Christopher Titmuss
penetrating the alternatives to a religion of materialism and consumerism
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 7 Day Meditation/Inquiry with C Titmuss

1991-04-22 Strive On Lightly 53:28
James Baraz

1991-04-22 A Birthday Talk 43:34
Christopher Titmuss
unpeeling the layers of "self" understanding, beginning with the personal history of our birth
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 7 Day Meditation/Inquiry with C Titmuss

1991-04-21 Constellation Of Self 56:59
Joseph Goldstein

1991-04-20 Nature And Cause Of Suffering 53:55
Carol Wilson
realizing that the key to happiness is through understanding the true nature of our craving for, and dissatisfaction, with life

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