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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-11-23 Guided Meditation: Taking Everything As An Opportunity for Learning 37:28
Donald Rothberg
After foundational mindfulness instructions, there is guidance, just after the core instructions and then briefly twice more during the session, on approaching the silent sitting in the spirit of our talk theme, taking every moment as practice, as an opportunity for learning.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-11-22 The Great Return: A Taste of Peace (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 67:55
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2022-11-22 The third noble truth: Nibbana 63:20
Bhante Buddharakkhita
By developing the noble eightfold path we can abandon mental defilements (fetters) and realize peace, happiness, and ultimate freedom (Nibbana)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2022-11-22 Survey the landscape-with sympathy 40:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Steady the heart by not picking up the signs of crisis or anxiety. Instead use the simple and steady body rhythms and signs that hold the heart. Make the heart the priority.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana

2022-11-22 Accessing Peace through Letting Be (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:03
Thanissara, Dawn Mauricio, Djuna Devereaux, Gullu Singh, Kittisaro
Finding a Balance Within Letting go and Engaging.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2022-11-22 Recollection of kindness and compassion 13:30
Ajahn Sucitto
In the sensory world, boundaries, signs of separation and comparisons must be experienced. But entering the heart realm, we can experience the boundlessness of the brahma vihara.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana

2022-11-22 Reverence: Opening the Door to the Deathless (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 31:19
Kittisaro, Dawn Mauricio, Djuna Devereaux, Gullu Singh, Thanissara
Reflections around Dukkha and its cause, the two fundamental roots, and the importance of contemplating change. Guest/dust simile and noticing that which never changes.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2022-11-22 Advice to the Dying: Don’t Cling to Anything 22:04
Shaila Catherine
This guided meditation offers a comprehensive training in non-attachment and letting go. The instructions list various objects and perceptions that one might be attached to, and recommend that we train ourselves to not cling to each item. It follows the advice that Venerable Sariputta offered to the lay disciple Anathapindika on his deathbed. It is essentially a reading of the discourse of Advice to Anathapindika (Middle Length Discourses 143) with some comments.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

2022-11-21 The Freedom in Meeting this Moment 51:58
Dawn Mauricio
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2022-11-21 Hindrances 60:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Detecting and clearing the hindrances. (References: SN46.55 available here:
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana

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