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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-10-18 Q & A 1:12:27
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1 00:12 Can you say more about stream entry. What is it? Q2 19:26 Are open awareness and presence the same? Is citta who we essentially are? Q3 22:39 I find staying with the breath difficult and more conducive to sleepiness than to gratefulness. What can I do? Q4 26:59 I fight sloth and torpor that seems to be due to self inflicted isolation. Q5 31:10 Can you say more about QiGong? Why do you do this rather than yoga asanas? Q6 36:37 What is the optimal time of day to practice? Q7 38:04 A 74 year old relative is developing dementia and Altzheimers. What is happening to the mind here? Could a practice be developed in this case? Q8 46:01 How do we meet feelings of fear? Or unwanted sexual attention? Q9 47:46 How can I meet the pain caused by my father who died when I was nine? I’d like to forgive him. Q10 51:08 Can you speak more about relational field and the experience of being a human among human beings? Q11 1:04:10 What is the difference between sankara and latent tendencies?
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-18 GM - Walking Suggestions 2:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Get a sense of this skin bag moving through space. Where do the internal and external meet? How does the body organize itself as it moves?
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-18 Meeting - Test of Actualization 57:25
Ajahn Sucitto
Learning to meet experiences we like and don't like. What meets? Cultivating space for the meetings provides understanding of our cravings and the arising of faith in our dhamma potential.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-17 Teachings From The Metta Sutta - Part 3 54:26
Greg Scharf
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2022-10-17 Entering Non-Event 52:08
Ajahn Sucitto
We need tools to travel in the internal body- mind domain. Developing mindfulness allows us to witness the settling and the arising of samadhi, noticing the non-events in between the events.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-17 Reflection, Meeting feeling and breath 26:36
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-17 Heart-Body-Mental Energies-Purifying-Merging 61:53
Ajahn Sucitto
The ever-changing nature of experience is fundamental to Buddhist understanding. Learning how to directly apprehend these dynamic energies reveals the deathless.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-16 Bringing Mindfulness/Wisdom to Our Actions 61:34
Carol Wilson
Intention, and wise attention
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2022-10-16 The Climate Crisis and the Middle Path 1:33:18
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2022-10-16 Civic Discourse, Right Speech, and Get Out the Vote! 64:44
Mushim Ikeda
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

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