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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-05-22 03 talk: introduction to the life of the Buddha 7:39
Jill Shepherd
Finding points of commonality in our own lives with the life of the Buddha, then moving into relational practice exploring what motivated us to step out of the "palace of delusion"
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 Walking Suggestions 6:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy is normally inclined to the front of our bodies. Is there a wider approach?
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-22 02 meditation: cultivating gratitude 22:23
Jill Shepherd
Orienting the heart-mind towards gratitude as a support for muditā, appreciative joy
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 01 talk: What is Vesak? 5:56
Jill Shepherd
A brief introduction to what Vesak is, and the structure of this day of practice
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 Cultivating the Wholesome and Letting Go of the Unwholesome 67:17
Zohar Lavie
A Dharma talk, meditation, and questions and responses session, the questions are not recorded, only the responses.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - May 2022

2022-05-22 Walking Suggestions 6:17
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy is normally inclined to the front of our bodies. Is there a wider approach?
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-22 Metta instructions for the "neutral person" 53:34
Winnie Nazarko
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

2022-05-22 Discovering the Energy of Presence 44:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The retreat theme acknowledges we need allies in cultivating awareness, something outside our normal self structure but available, in spite of the personality. Aspiration/ faith are the first of these.
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-21 Compassion 57:11
Winnie Nazarko
The importance of compassion in the Buddhist path. Discussion of its relationship to Metta, and a description of its near and far enemies. Examples of its applicability including in the situation in Ukraine
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

2022-05-21 Opening Identification 1:35:45
Nathan Glyde
Regarding the aggregates of existence (form; preferences; perceiving; mental activity; knowing) as areas we can open around. Shifting from identification and ownership to just happening activities for greater freedom and well-being.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - May 2022

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