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Dharma Talks
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2024-05-05 Non-Abiding: Engagement without Attachment - Meditation 31:27
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-05-04 Wisdom (Paññâ) Parami 1:11:32
Ayya Santussika
This dhamma talk, guided meditation, and Q&A was offered on , 4th of May 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2024-05-04 The Four Qualities, Mindfulness of Feeling Tones and Ethical Actions: Dharma Talk & Meditation 1:15:14
Martine Batchelor
Cultivating the four qualities of friendliness, compassion, joy and equanimity to help us creatively engage in wise, harmless, compassionate action, when in contact through our senses with the resulting feeling tones. How to experince feeling tones without grasping?
Gaia House Mindfulness in Action - One Day Online Retreat

2024-05-04 Mindfulness of Feeling Tones in Terms of Ethical Actions: Instructions & Guided Meditation 58:05
Martine Batchelor
Looking at ethical actions in terms of the five precepts, exploring the two aspects of restraint and cultivation; while exploring the impact of various feeling tones on our impulses and attitudes.
Gaia House Mindfulness in Action - One Day Online Retreat

2024-05-04 Meditation instructions – sitting and walking 41:05
Ajahn Amaro, Ayya Khemakā
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat

2024-05-03 The five hindrances: doorways to waking up 48:58
Jean Esther
Identifying the five hindrances as the object of our meditation can loosen the grip of self identification with these often unpleasant mental states.
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-03 Eating Meditation 4:02
Jean Esther
First day of retreat - brief eating meditation instructions
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-03 Understanding the Generosity and Goodness of the Heart - Meditation 49:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2024-05-02 Guided body scan meditation 23:11
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2024

2024-05-01 Meditation: Open Awareness – Relaxing Back into Presence (19:23 min) 19:23
Tara Brach
This guided meditation practice brings attention to the continuous space within and around the body, and the aliveness of sound, sensation and feeling that lives through us. While it’s natural for attention to get distracted, the pathway home is a relaxing back into presence – the awake space that is aware of this changing life.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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