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Dharma Talks
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2022-01-13 Metta and Equanimity 55:23
Gullu Singh
Reflections on how the cultivation of Metta is a cornerstone of building equanimity in which the mind is impartial. When we cultivate a mind that can radiate metta to the Stranger and the Enemy with the same wholeheartedness as to the Benefactor and Friend that same quality of mind can meet any experience with ease of heart and balance of mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat: Cultivating the Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2022-01-12 How to Meet Obstacles in Metta Meditation--(Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:42
Kaira Jewel Lingo
We begin with metta as heart training, a practice of awakening and growing our heart and explore how our practice of metta can also support and help to transform others. Then we move into obstacles to metta meditation and how to practice with them, covering when metta feels mechanical, distractions, grief, doubt, anger, and struggling to offer metta to ourselves. We close looking at how metta can be a protection and also how the Earth can be a source and inspiration for metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat: Cultivating the Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2022-01-11 The Nature of Metta and Metta Practice 52:10
Donald Rothberg
Metta practice is one version of the ancient vocation to live from kindness and love, that is found across spiritual traditions. In Buddhist tradition, it is in the family of “heart practices” that are called the brahmavihara: Lovingkindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. In this context, we explore how metta practice both opens us up to this deep kindness and warmth and to what is the way of metta. We also examine some of the challenges of metta practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat: Cultivating the Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2022-01-04 26 meditation: metta for benefactor 20:58
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with metta for a benefactor, then oneself, mostly using the reciting phrases practice method
Sydney Insight Meditators

2022-01-04 25 instructions: metta practice 15:33
Jill Shepherd
Brief instructions for cultivating metta or kindness for a benefactor
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2021-12-23 Reflections on metta and mindfulness. 66:45
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2021

2021-12-09 Qigong Metta Embodiment 47:27
Teja Bell
Teja guides the process of connecting with Integrating Embodied Mindfulness as essential to Dharma and meditation practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

2021-12-09 Metta Meditation (Retreat at Spirit rock) 42:14
Bonnie Duran
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

2021-12-08 Metta Meditation 31:33
Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

2021-12-07 Metta Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:43
Bonnie Duran
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

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