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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-10-15 Living with Integrity: Two Guardians of the World 31:58
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2024-10-15 Do We Need a Refuge? - Part One - Meditation 32:08
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-10-15 Do We Need a Refuge? - Part One - Talk 57:12
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-10-15 Une autre relation aux choses 50:38
Pascal Auclair
Moulin de Chaves Faire la paix avec le monde en soi et autour de soi

2024-10-15 Boundless Kindness - Radiating Mettā in all Directions 44:25
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House Liberating and Compassionate Ways of Looking

2024-10-15 Les deux intentions qui créent la pleine conscience 56:57
Pascal Auclair
Moulin de Chaves Faire la paix avec le monde en soi et autour de soi

2024-10-15 Settling in Spaciousness 44:36
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House Liberating and Compassionate Ways of Looking

2024-10-15 Cittanupassana: Mindfulness of Mind (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:14
Devon Hase
Guided Meditation on the first three foundations of mindfulness: kayanupassana, vedananupassana, and cittanupassana. Emphasis on working skillfully with mind states and heart states.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-10-14 There Are No Footprints in the Sky (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:04
Devon Hase
Talk on how letting go leads to Emptiness. Many ways to talk about freedom: nonproliferation, absence of clinging, bare awareness, laying our burdens down.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-10-14 Attuning to Spaciousness, 3 Exercises - Dharma Talk & Short Practice Exercises 43:02
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Liberating and Compassionate Ways of Looking

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