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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-01-19 Meditation: Silence, Presence and Care 21:04
Tara Brach
Quieting our busy bodies and minds brings alive our heart and spirit. This practice begins with a reading on silence by Gunilla Norris, and then includes guidance in letting go of tension, opening to aliveness and resting in a caring and wakeful awareness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-19 Resilience and Wisdom in an Uncertain World - A Conversation 65:22
Tara Brach
Resilience and Wisdom in an Uncertain World, a conversation between IMCW’s executive director, Trisha Stotler and Tara Brach. The Buddhist scriptures describe a mind that “no longer shakes, in a world where everything is shaking.” Our times are deeply stressful and troubling, and we need individual and collective ways of responding from our deepest understanding and care. In this interview, Tara reflects on the perspectives and ways of practicing that allow us to engage in relationships and our larger society from an awake compassionate heart.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-19 Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice, Week 2 - Meditation 29:00
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice: 3-week course

2022-01-19 Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice, Week 2 - Talk 30:20
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice: 3-week course

2022-01-19 Week 2 - Dharma Talk: Exploring Friendliness & Well-Wishing - Metta 64:33
Kirsten Kratz
Includes Guided Meditation and Instructions for Inquiry Practice
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-19 Understanding Dukkha (Un-satisfactoriness and Suffering) 46:17
Kate Munding
Introducing the Three Characteristics of existence through the practice of the four elements.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Elements Retreat

2022-01-19 Gifts of Uncertainty, with Joanna Macy 46:12
Betsy Rose
We listen to a 2009 talk by ecologist, Buddhist, and systems thinker Joanna Macy, on the 5 gifts of uncertainty -- gifts for these unstable and uncertain times. With further teachings from Betsy Rose on Martin Luther King and Gandhi, and these gifts manifest in their life work.
Assaya Sangha

2022-01-19 Week 2 - Guided Meditation 47:25
Kirsten Kratz
Metta - Kindness to Self, Benefactor, and Neutral Person
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-19 Ease of energy 56:10
Jeanne Corrigal
This week we explore the 5th parami of energy - tuning into energy as a sustaining force, and turning it toward wise effort.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Wednesday Night Talks: The Parami (2021-2022)

2022-01-19 Water Element 27:55
Kate Munding
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Elements Retreat

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