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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-01-12 Compass of Our Heart 50:24
Tara Brach
All of our actions, our entire life experience, arises from the energy of intention. While it’s natural that our intentions are shaped by egoic wants and fears, when we bring this into conscious, compassionate awareness, we can discover the deep aspiration that guides and energizes our awakening hearts and minds. This talk explores the movement from egoic intention to liberating intention…the movement from “my will” to “my heart’s will” (a favorite from the archives).
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-12 Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (20:04 min.) 20:03
Tara Brach
When we fully inhabit our body, we discover the space and wakefulness of awareness itself. In this meditation, we rest in this open awareness, and when the attention narrows into thoughts, we practice relaxing back into the openness that includes passing sounds, sensations and feelings. We close with a brief offering of lovingkindness to our own hearts and our world (with community OMs – no bell at end).
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-12 Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice, Week1 - Meditation 29:10
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice: 3-week course

2022-01-12 Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice, Week 1 - Talk 31:09
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Introduction to Buddhist Awareness Practice: 3-week course

2022-01-12 Week 1 - Guided Meditation 18:30
Kirsten Kratz
Arriving and grounding.
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-12 Guided Meditation: Nourishing the Heart 54:06
Oren Jay Sofer
Guided meditation on noticing and dwelling on what's uplifting in the heart.

2022-01-12 Wise Hope 13:32
Betsy Rose
Wise Hope, as articulated by Roshi Joan Halifax, can be a wise practice for our times. Unlike "Ordinary Hope" it does not focus on a desired outcome, but is rooted in the sense of infinite possibility in the face of, and in fact BECAUSE of, the groundless and impermanent nature of reality.
Assaya Sangha

2022-01-12 Week 1 - The 4 Immeasurables - An Overview 1:18:50
Kirsten Kratz
Introduction, Guided Meditation, Instructions for Inquiry Practice.
Gaia House Transforming Self - Transforming World (online series)

2022-01-12 32 Parts of the Body Meditation: Discovering Freedom within the Body—Week 1 Introduction 45:38
Bob Stahl
Please join us for this 8-week “32 Parts of the Body” meditation class that has rarely been taught in the West. This practice will cultivate deeper insight into the true nature of the body and most importantly to help see through the identifications, conditionings, beliefs, and narratives – the erroneous view of self. It has also been used for healing illness. Various methods will be taught to strengthen mindfulness of the body and to explore the mind/body connection. Each class will consist of silent and guided meditation, chanting of the body parts and small and large group discussion. These teachings and practices will help develop greater clarity, wisdom, and compassion; and foster the depth of practice.
Insight Santa Cruz

2022-01-12 Liberation Is a Careful, Everyday, Process 37:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Of all the things to be sensitive about, the most urgent and important, is to know how you’re activated and to calm the citta saṇkhāra. We get morphed by what we plug into, so unplug and let go of the unskillful, and plug into what’s necessary for calming and steadying. It takes time for citta to get it. Keep making an effort with friendliness, aligning everything in our lives to support this present awareness.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice

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