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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-11-08 Week 4, Part 2 27:50
Juha Penttilä
Moving Towards an Analytical Practice - a Guided Medtiation
Gaia House Exploring Anatta (online series)

2021-11-08 Awakened Awareness 61:12
Devon Hase
A talk exploring the nature of the mind, including stories, comments on aspiration and compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Luminous Awareness

2021-11-08 Anicca: Practical Impermanence for Retreat Yogis 54:19
Matthew Hepburn
Impermanence as a lofty concept is a cause fro mental proliferation. Impermanence as a way to perceive every moment is the end of suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2021-11-08 Week 4, Part 1 1:18:12
Juha Penttilä
Moving Towards Analytical Practice
Gaia House Exploring Anatta (online series)

2021-11-08 Monday Night Dharma Talk - Climate Code Red: A Needed Shift to Meet These Times 57:47
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2021-11-08 Introduction to Compassion And A Guided Meditation 57:57
Greg Scharf
A short introduction to compassion as a Brahma Vihara, followed by a guided meditation - Receiving compassion from benefactors and dear friends.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2021-11-07 Introduction to Awakened Awareness 63:37
Donald Rothberg
In concentration practice and insight practice, some of the structures of ordinary experience are deconstructed, including the separation of knower and known, the solidity of the object, and the will (which is absent in choiceless awareness). We then explore the nature of awakened awareness with references to how this appears in the teachings of the Buddha, the Thai Forest tradition, and the Tibetan Dzogchen and Mahamudra traditions. Finally, some of the main accessing techniques to open to awakened awareness are described.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Luminous Awareness

2021-11-07 Navigating The River With ease and Energy 59:17
Susie Harrington
Energy and wise effort on the path of practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2021-11-07 The Seven Factors of Enlightenment - Tranquility 2:32:19
Marcia Rose
Mini-Retreat including Dhamma Talks, Guided Meditation, Reflections
Mountain Hermitage 8 Week Mini-Retreat Series on The Seven Factors of Enlightenment with Marcia Rose

2021-11-07 Guided Meditation on Anatta 55:39
Devon Hase
Brief overview of insight practice looking through the lens of not-self. Includes investigation of body sensations, emotions, and seeing meditation, using the Anatta-Lakkhana Sutta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Luminous Awareness

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