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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-07-15 Harvesting the field of Dhamma 61:10
Ajahn Sucitto
The way to make use of the closure of retreat is to harvest. Standing at the door of the mind, use the body for support to review the stuff of the mind from a balanced place. The upright axis cools the field of reactivity. Witnessing with disengagement, don’t be deceived by what appears internal and external, it’s all happening in the mind.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-15 Guided Meditation – Graduated Expansion 8:12
Ajahn Sucitto
Guidance to gradually return to awareness through the sense fields. No pushing, just expanding lightly, integrating the inner domain with your external circumstance in whatever you do next.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-15 Puja – A Daily Door to the Sacred 16:32
Ajahn Sucitto
The occasion of puja provides a useful link between our inner realities and outer circumstances. As we chant and make offerings, we’re open and receptive to the virtue, values, insights of our depth experience. The body picks up these signs as deep tissue memories, making these qualities available to enrich what we do in the external world.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-14 Mindful Leadership: A Conversation between Tara Brach and Michelle Maldonado 1:14:07
Tara Brach
The principles of mindful leadership are relevant for all of us—they bring out the best of who we are in our work, with our family, with our friends. Especially in these times of mistrust and dividedness, our world desperately needs each of us to cultivate the qualities of focus, presence, care, respect, clarity, and curiosity that mark a true leader. Michelle Maldonado is a brilliant teacher of mindful leadership, and she embodies the compassion and skillfulness she invites forward in others.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-07-14 The Pursuit of Happiness 44:13
Kate Munding
What is happiness? We think that when things are going well, happiness is here and everything will be fine. When conditions are unpleasant, we feel we have failed. But the universe is creative in its unfolding, and happiness can come in different ways than we expect.
Assaya Sangha Assaya Sangha Dharma Talks

2021-07-14 Reliably Unreliable 61:06
Nathan Glyde
Bringing dukkha (unreliable/unsatisfactory) as a way of looking brings freedom from dukkha. This talk has a live translation into Czech that is not recorded, yet it might seem slow as Nathan waits for the translation to complete before offering the next sentence.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Long Silences Where Translation was)

2021-07-14 Reliably Unreliable (Silence Trimmed) 33:16
Nathan Glyde
Bringing dukkha (unreliable/unsatisfactory) as a way of looking brings freedom from dukkha.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (Silences Edited Off)

2021-07-14 Reliably Unreliable 61:26
Nathan Glyde
Bringing dukkha (unreliable/unsatisfactory) as a way of looking brings freedom from dukkha. This talk has a live translation into Czech.
SanghaSeva Bright Mind, Open Heart (With Czech Translation)

2021-07-14 Open Practice 30 min with bell 30:21
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-14 Guided Meditation - The capacity to be here 9:00
Willa Thaniya Reid
Taking care with what we connect with, with that which supports our capacity to be here – grounded, present, receptive. Guard from anything that takes us away from the fullness of citta. In this place we keep meeting whatever is arising with qualities of friendliness and welcome, everything belongs. From that place of welcome, response happens. Love meets love.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

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